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Self-knowledge shall set you free

The Kara Heritage Institute, a leading heritage organisation

The Kara Heritage Institute contributes to the African Renaissance by providing crucial knowledge about indigenous cultural heritage to African people and their communities.

‘Self-knowledge shall set you free’ is the Kara Heritage Institute’s way of saying that knowledge is power.

African Freedom Fighters Book Launch

The Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga will launch a book series titled: Learning African History, African Freedom Fighters in honor of the youth of 1976.

The books describe the lives, education, and political career of African young Pioneers and how they became the leaders of their independent countries. These Pan African Freedom Fighters are: Haille Sellasie, Kwame Nkurumah, Julius Nyerere, Jomo Kenyatta, Seretse Khama, Kenneth Kaunda, Nelson Mandela, Sam Nujoma and Robert Mugabe.

It is believed that these African young pioneers (Masupatsela) will inspire and show the learners

In all our schools that even the downtrodden can become leaders and Messiahs of their Nations.

Date: 26 June 2017

Venue: Kara Heritage Village

            Unit 65 Madiba & Kgosi Mampuru Street


RSVP: Ms. Lucy Sekhota, (012) 323 7737, email:

Open/View: 170615-Awareness - FF Africa - ad Interactive

Muhale Spiritual Services and Mapungubwe Intercultural Dialogue

Africa Day is celebrated on the 25th of May every year around our continent for highlighting African Solidarity, unity in diversity, creativity, challenges and successes, and the cultural potential of our continent.  This celebration is also a platform for the continent to engage and build stronger networks and partnerships at various levels across national and international boundaries.

You are cordially invited to the Muhale Spiritual Services and Maphungubwe Intercultural Dialogue that will take place at the Kara Heritage Village in Pretoria on the 25th of May 2017.

Open/View: AfricaDay celebration

Invitation to African History Month Seminar - 27 February 2017

The Kara Heritage Institute (KHI) in partnership with Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) and partners have identified the African History Month as an Appropriate event for South Africa, Africa and the Diaspora.


The significance for the event, is the realisation that the falsified human history and adulterated missionary religions have forcibly deprived Africans of their identities and pride and depersonalised them by replacing their indigenous languages, the mainstay of their spirituality, identity and culture with foreign languages which do not talk to the African soul.

Objectives (of the event)

• To raise awareness about African Unity in Diversity
• To highlight the importance of the African Renaissance Movement.
• To raise awareness about African Unity and Development.
• To inculcate the revolutionary morality and values which informed African Struggles for liberation.

Desired output

• To showcase and celebrate African cultural products, food, music and dances
• Promote the development and/ revival of the African stream of history and culture
• Raising awareness of youth and children about their heritage and indigenous knowledge systems
• Mainstreaming African history and unity in diversity

We therefore have pleasure to invite you to the African History Month Seminar which will be taking place as follows:

Date: 27 February 2017
Time: 09:00 – 15:00
Venue: Kara Heritage Institute
Unit 65, Cnr. Kgoshi Mampuru Streets and Madiba Streets
Pretoria Central

RSVP To: Ms. Katlego Pilusa on or before c.o.b 24 February 2017 on or +27 12 323 7737


Catch Prof. Mathole Motshekga on Ligwalagwala fm tonight @22h00

The Topic is: "Why learners today fall pregnant while at school/issues of Morals/role of parents" and how can Kara Young Pioneers assist.

For more information, contact Katlego Pilusa son (012) 323 7737 or


The Kara Heritage School launched the young pioneers (Masupatsela) programme on the 20th May 2016.  Tomorrow 19/01/2017, we'll be launching the first young pioneers (Masupatsela) forum at Rabie Ridge Community Hall, Midrand.  The Masupatsela Programme aims at holistic youth development.  This means that every young poineer must be spiritually and physically developed.

The young Pioneers will take their cue from Pixley Isaka Seme's Public Lecture titled:  The Regeneration of Africa; Seme reclaimed his African Identity and pride when he said: "I am an African"

Seme inspired Kwame Nkrumah to establish the Ghanaians young pioneers (Masupatsela) who build Ghana as a Model African State. 

The young pioneers must therefore learn about African history, culture and Heritage as well as indigenous Knowledge systems.

For more information on the Program, please contact Ms. Katlego Pilusa at our office on: +27 12 323 7737 or via email on

Catch Prof. Mathole Motshekga on SAFM, Wednesday 18/01/2017 09:30 - 10:00

When:  18 January 2017

Where: SAFM : 105.1 MHz

Topic: Kara Young Pioneers : Masupatsela Program

Time: 10:00 am - 10:30 am

Guest: Prof. Mathole Motshekga

China and South Africa share heritage month celebrations

China-Africa dialogue on heritage issues will take centre stage at the launch on 8 September of the 2016 China Heritage Month in South Africa. A joint initiative of the Chinese Embassy of the People’s Republic of China and the Kara Heritage Institute, the event is focusing on building a cultural dialogue between China and South Africa and exploring the opportunities for heritage preservation.

Dr Mathole Motshekga, Chairperson of the Kara Heritage Institute, explains: “Since we are celebrating Heritage Month during September in both China and South Africa, the joint event is a fitting tribute to the strong social and economic collaboration between our two nations.”  

Motshekga says that this event demonstrates the mutual respect for cultural values between China and South Africa. “By sharing our knowledge of heritage and how it impacts on modern life, we can contribute to social cohesion. All societies share a common humanity which can be harnessed to break down social barriers,” he says.

The event will feature indigenous song and dance performances, followed by a range of presentations and panel discussions. Topics include:

  • African heritage and indigenous knowledge,
  • Ubuntu and other traditional African thoughts and
  • A religious interpretation of contemporary Confucianism
  • The ideological value of Confucius
  • Practices and experiences of intangible cultural heritage preservation in China

Scholars of both Chinese and African cultural practices will participate. These include Counsellor Zheng Wen, Professor Zhang Hua, Mr Yan Binggang and Mr Ma Shengde, representing the Chinese Embassy and the Ministry of Culture, with Dr Mathole Motshekga, Adv S Mancotywa, Professor Alfred Nevhutanda and Ms Avhasei Mulovhedzi representing the South African hosts.

The day-long event is being held at the Kara Heritage Village at Unit 65, Cnr Kgosi Mampuru (Potgieter) and Madiba (Vermeulen) Street, Pretoria. Contact 012 323 7737 for more information.

Media enquiries:

Ms Avhasei Mulovhedzi

M: 082 499 7194



Kara Heritage Institute launches the Kara Young Pioneers

On the 20th May 2016, in commeration of Africa Day, the Kara Heritage Institute will launch Masupatsela – the Kara Young Pioneers. The programme aims to help young people define and realise their identiy, and in doing so become a part of the regeneration of Africa.

The Young Pioneer movement played an important role in the struggle for liberation, with many South African children, often in exile, learning the importance of their history and culture, and their role in the struggle and beyond. In this spirit,  the Kara Young Pioneers seeks to take interested young people on a journey of discovery into Africa’s history, culture and heritage, expand their love for Africa and all her people, and develop their understading of their social responsibility as citizens of Africa.  In turn these Masupatsela will become social, cultural and political ambassadors needed to drive the growth of the African Renaissance.

The programme is open to youth of all races.  The Kara Heritage School will invite intellectuals, elders, and sages from all cultural backgrounds to share their insights with these young people.  During the programme young pioneers will learn about  African history, culture and heritage, and indigenous knowledge systems. They will discover pride in their African identity and find ways to help others do the same.  They will spread the message Ubuntu/Botho, finding ways to faciliate youth and community dialogue, striving for a more socially cohesive and prosperous South Africa.

For more information about the Kara Young Pioneers, or to join them contact 012 323 7737/5689 or email


Dialogue for anti-racism and peace building

24 February 2016


Anti-Racism Asikhulume

This is the theme of a dialogue taking place at the Braamfontein Recreation Centre on 24 February 2016. The event is to be hosted by Kara Heritage Institute and SACONO (SA Congress of Non-Profit Organisations), together with the City of Joburg, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and SEWISA (Serial Entrepreneur Women in South Africa).  

The dialogue will focus on anti-racism and peace building. It will include a panel discussion comprising a number of prominent leaders in civil society. Dr Mathole Motshekga will address the event on the subject of Moral Regeneration. 


Cultures of Africa and China Celebrate Social Cohesion

Pretoria, Monday 22 February 2016

African History Month this year will feature a groundbreaking celebration of social cohesion when the Embassy of the People's Republic of China and Kara Heritage Institute join forces at an event on Monday. A seminar on the Chinese New Year and a presentation about the heritage of Africa's spiritual philosophy will be held at Kara Heritage Institute to mark the importance of cultural heritage for any society.

Dr Mathole Motshekga, Chairperson of the Kara Heritage Institute says that this occasion is welcomed as part of the Institute's Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with China’s Ministry of Culture to respect the cultural values of both China and South Africa. Both parties have agreed to contribute to the development of a unified South African identity through sharing knowledge of heritage in modern life, in the modern economy and in the cultural heritage industry. 

"Social cohesion is our primary objective; through learning about the cultures of other nations, we can discover the common roots of humanity and break down social barriers to achieve a powerful and unified identity," says Dr Motshekga. 

The seminar begins at 10am and will be held at the Kara Heritage Village at 65 Madiba Street, corner of Kgosi Mampuru, Pretoria Central.  

Find out more about the meaning of Chinese New Year and the details of Monday's event in the documents posted below. 



Open/View: Invitation Chinese New Year web

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